Pulse Oximeter - Connected

Model: 21600
Premium Model 21600, Fingertip Pulse Oximeter with optional wireless connectivity and free MyHealthConnected App for iOS and Android. This product offers the latest in technology with a free compatible Healthcare App, available both in the Apple App Store and Google Play. The 21600 offers professional quality readings of oxygen saturation levels and pulse rate monitoring in an attractive modern compact, portable design. Featuring an easy-to-use one-button operation makes it user-friendly for patients of all ages. The high-resolution color OLED screen provides professional quality readings of oxygen saturation levels and pulse rate in conjunction with plethysmograph and perfusion Index. The finger bed is made of slip-resistant non latex silicone. A low-battery indicator with automatic power off preserves battery power. Accessories include batteries and lanyard.
Medical grade accuracy
Slip-resistant padding
Easy to read LED display
Includes free carrying case & lanyard
Portable & Lighweight design
Connects to Android and iOS mobile devices:
Compatible with free Zewa MyHealthConnected app or 3rd party integrations.
Transfer Readings Automatically from Pulse Ox to Mobile device. Automatic transfer eliminates the need to enter readings by hand.
Take Control! Add additional Zewa Bluetooth devices to monitor more vital signs using the same app.
Review data in app. Converts data into charts and spreadsheets to easily spot trends that can help you and your healthcare professional manage your oxigen level.
Free App is available in Google Play or Apple store.

Product Includes:
1 x Pulse Ox
2 x AAA Batteries
1 x Carrying case & lanyard
1 x Instruction Manual

Some studies have indicated that certain physical traits, including, but not limited to darker skin pigmentation, finger thickness, and peripheral perfusion may create variations in readings that make the oxygen level appear higher than it actually is. Users should establish a baseline value when healthy and at rest. It is recommended that users consult a licensed healthcare provider on how to interpret user readings based on physical traits or characteristics.